Periods & Pot FAQ

Episode 15

Show Notes

5 ways pot helps with period pain.

Can weed relieve period pain?

Did you know that cannabis can help with pain related to your period and one of the most common – but mostly not talked about – diseases that affects women, Endometriosis? Learn about 5 ways that cannabis helps with pelvic pain, 3 strain recommendations to help ease your monthly cycle and 3 podcasts we think you’ll love.

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April Pride: This podcast, discusses cannabis and is intended for audiences 21 and over.

Dr. Michelle Ross: Endometriosis is actually a disease that impacts one in 10 women worldwide. Yet the treatments for it are just awful. They include surgery, medications that cause even more problems for women. It’s just devastating despite being so common. So we find that women respond very well to cannabis treatment.

April Pride: Welcome back to How To Do The Pot. I’m April Pride and I do the pod. Did you know that cannabis can help with pain related to your period? And one of the most common, but mostly not talked about diseases that affects women?

April Pride: You just heard from neuroscientist, Dr. Michelle Ross, and I recommend that you listen to the endo episode of How To Do The Pot for promising ways that cannabis can treat pelvic pain, and menstrual cramps, symptoms of endometriosis, and how to best consume cannabis to relieve pain.

April Pride: This is the audio newsletter. If you’d rather read it, visit to subscribe to our email newsletter. If you like the podcast, How To Do The Pot, please share it with someone and rate and review us on Apple podcasts. It helps more people find the show.

April Pride: In April of 2017, I spoke to a very small audience in a very hot basement in New York city about cannabis, and appropriately sex. A New York University nurse practitioner attended because she was “desperate for information to better understand if and how cannabis could be used to treat women’s pelvic pain.” Not exactly the topic at hand, but that’s exactly the point. There was no information to be found.

April Pride: I decided to dig a little deeper and found some research, which I’ll link to in the show notes and the results were conclusive. The cannabis plant can potentially save women from physical, emotional, mental, and financial pain caused by endometriosis. We’ve already heard from a handful of women who listened to our episode on this topic. After it was shared with them by a friend or relative, do you know anyone that has pelvic pain, heavy flow, or unexplained infertility? Please consider sharing the podcast with them and encourage them to listen to the endo episode of How To Do The Pot.

Dr. Jessica Knox: For a lot of the reproductive issues, whether it’s dysmenorrhea, right? So that’s menstrual cramps, which is probably one of the most common things that women experience as related to our sex. Dysmenorrhea is due to basically prostaglandin release as our endometrial tissue breaks down, and we have a period. Prostaglandins are released to cause uterine contractions and cramping, to cause inflammation. But we know that for instance, CBD can inhibit the enzyme that creates prostaglandins. So if we can use CBD on somebody who has menstrual cramps, we can often reduce their pain because we’re reducing the root cause.

April Pride: You just heard from Dr. Jessica Knox who inspired this high five for reducing pelvic pain. Number one, talk to your doctor if you experience symptoms of endometriosis, such as debilitating, painful periods, pain with sexual intercourse, heavy menstrual flow and/or infertility.

April Pride: Number two, menstrual cramps are due to prostaglandins. Hormone like substances that moderate contraction and relaxation of muscles, blood vessels, and inflammation. Prostoglandins are released during menstruation and women with higher levels of prostaglandins may experience severe menstrual cramps, a symptom of endo.

April Pride: Number three, CBD can inhibit the enzyme that creates prostoglandins. Using CBD on someone who has menstrual cramps can often reduce their pain by reducing the root cause.

April Pride: Number four, try a CBD oil tincture a few days before your period starts to prevent painful cramps, and use it to replace Midol during your period. Suppositories work fast and effectively for cramps. We like Equilibria, which is a woman owned CBD brand out of Chicago, and Mello for suppositories.

April Pride: I’d like to introduce you to Equilibria CEO and co-founder.

Coco Meers: Hi, I’m Coco Meers. My whole career has been focused on women, helping them look and feel their best. I started at L’Oreal and then founded a beauty booking business that was acquired by Groupon. Now at Equilibria, we trust that women know their own bodies best.

April Pride: How has listening to and trusting women shaped Equilibria CBD products and support?

Coco Meers: Well, first we get it. Like a lot of your listeners, all I want is personal and professional balance, which means I’m looking for relief from the physical and emotional stress that comes with a full life. CBD was finally the simple answer for me.

Coco Meers: Knowing which CBD products to trust and how to use them is not so simple. So we built Equilibria to ensure women are confident in choosing and using our CBD products. Equilibria is vertically integrated. We are partial owners in the farm that provides the hemp for our formulations, and we provide one on one consultations with our dosage specialists for anyone who buys a product from us.

April Pride: Are you confident you chose the right CBD product and that you’re using it right? Equilibria CBD product ship to all 50 States. So visit their website, that’s and use promo code Do The Pot for 15% off your purchase.

April Pride: Number five, pain with sex is a common symptom of endo. Try weed lube, AKA intimate serums, which are available in hemp CBD only versions for sale online and THC products for sale in licensed dispensary’s. A CBD product that we like that can ship throughout the US is Quim.

April Pride: In every newsletter. We offer three cannabis strains that we think you’ll like. This week we hope you find relief from these strains to help with period pain. Medicine woman, which was pollinated specifically for pain relief. It’s a muscle relaxant that offers a clear headed high.

April Pride: Charlotte’s web is non-psychoactive, it has notable anti-inflammatory properties. It’s a 15 to 20, depending on the genetics, CBD to THC strain, and it soothes anxiety and stress.

April Pride: Blackberry Kush, you’re definitely going to get couch lock and probably dry mouth, and you’re going to get really hungry, but your mood is going to be great. You can think of this as like the anaprox weed.

April Pride: Here are three podcasts that Ellen and I love and we’d like to share it with you. I Like Speaking Of Sex, which is hosted by the Pleasure Mechanics. It’s a weekly podcast that covers quite candid conversations about sexuality, including painful intercourse.

April Pride: Ellen likes Tight-lipped, which is hosted by Noa Fleischacker. A storytelling podcast that makes public what is often thought of it as private pain.

April Pride: To Do The Pot we recommend that you listen to the cycle endometriosis podcast. Host Melissa Boudreaux talks with Ellen about cannabis and endometriosis.

April Pride: Thank you for listening to this audio newsletter. Let us know what you think. Find us on Instagram @dothepot, and you can follow me @AprilPride.

April Pride: For lots more information and past episodes, visit Thanks to my co-founder, Ellen Scanlon, Madi Fair, our marketing manager, and our producer, Nick Patri. I’m April Pride, and we’ll be back soon with more of How To Do The Pot.



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Join the 10,000+ people who are finding better sleep, better sex, and less stress with a little help from cannabis.

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