The Sensual Side of Cannabis, A Valentine’s Day Special

Episode 176

Show Notes

Answering Your Sex + Cannabis Questions

In this special Valentine’s Day episode, we delve into the intimate world of sex and cannabis. Our expert panel answers the top 5 questions we get asked, while sharing their insights on how to elevate your sensual experiences with a little help from weed. Tune in to find out why cannabis can make sex better for women, the difference between getting high and enhancing your sexual pleasure, the science behind weed-infused lubes, and the best products and strains to get you started. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or just exploring the possibilities, this episode has something for everyone. So sit back, relax, and allow us to help you spice things up this Valentine’s Day and beyond.

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Intro (00:00):

This podcast discusses cannabis and is intended for audiences 21 and over.

Sandra Guynes (00:06):

Yes. Yes. Uses the cannabis for sex. It’s always embarrassing for me to talk about sex because I get so excited. I’m like, use it. And it’s only because I went so long where I feel like I was sex starved. And it wasn’t because anyone was starving me. It’s because I was starving myself from enjoyable sex like I was in my head. I was anxious, stressed, depressed. If I were to describe myself prior to cannabis, I would say I had a head with a body attached, but I didn’t really care what was happening down in this body. I was like, yeah, whatever. And cannabis made me more aware and it made me more connected to my body. And I started feeling things I hadn’t felt before and enjoying sex in a different way because I was much more aroused and aware and open and present.

Ellen Scanlon (01:01):

Welcome to How to Do the Pot, a podcast helping you feel confident about cannabis for help, wellbeing, and for fun. I’m Ellen Scanlan.


You just heard from California based Sandra Guynes, also known as The Kush Nurse, one of our favorite medical experts. She has given us a lot of great advice on the show but this tip is my favorite. Happy Valentine’s Day. And I’m excited to share our most popular episode about cannabis and sex, which answers your top five questions about women, sex and weed.


If after listening to this episode you’re ready to learn more, please stay tuned. We are working on a whole new series all about cannabis and sex. And if you can’t wait, you can scroll down way back in our feed to episodes 52, 53 and 54, and I’ll link to them in the show notes. On those episodes we cover how cannabis helps your body feel more sensation, how it can mentally allow you to be more present and not counting down items on your to-do list. And some great experts share their favorite strains for sex.


I really like Valentine’s Day because it’s a whole day to think and talk about love. I know it can be hard if your love life isn’t exactly where you want it to be. And I hope that you feel the love from us and take some time to be extra kind to yourself. And if you have a minute now, I would be so grateful if you would rate and review How To Do The Pot on Apple podcasts. It really helps more people find the show. Thank you.


As with so much in cannabis because of its status as a Schedule 1 drug, there are limited research studies, and women’s sexuality is a pretty understudied area anyway, given that, for example, the FDA has approved more than 20 drugs for men’s sexual health and just one for women. So while a lot of this is anecdotal or self-reported, I wholeheartedly agree with Sandra. Yes, yes. Try cannabis for sex. I believe every woman in America should have a weed lube in her bedside table.


Now, onto the top five questions we get about sex and weed. Number one, why does cannabis make sex better for women? Sandra Guynes tells us about research out of the Urology Department at Stanford.

Sandra Guynes (03:44):

There was a study in 2020 where 452 women consumed cannabis for sexual health. It didn’t matter what they consumed, how they consumed it, the frequency of consumption, it just mattered that they used cannabis, reported higher scores for sexual health, sexual desire, arousal, and satisfaction. I thought that was pretty cool. What else? Sex can be more enjoyable, less painful, improve libido. You can want sex, not just when you’re in the bedroom because your brain remembers the good times you had the last sexual experience. So then you want more of it. So it’s not like a one and done, I need this, I have sex, and then it’s done. It’s like it’s long-term benefits of that.


And then improved sexual health, lower BP, or blood pressure, better immune system, more stamina, decreased depression, anxiety, better sleep, and it’s natural pain relief, increased intimacy with your partner. You want to cuddle more and do more things. And I think overall, it just has so many positive benefits.

Ellen Scanlon (04:48):

I’ll link to an article about the study in the show notes. Number two, do I have to get high? Dr. June Chin, a New York-based doctor who specializes in integrative medicine helps us out with this question.

Dr. June Chin (05:02):

No, you don’t have to get high in order to get the benefits for sex. You can actually feel relaxed without feeling euphoric. So the wonderful thing about different cannabis and strains, and you can experiment with that, is some of them make you feel a little bit more relaxed and grounded. Some of them might make you feel euphoric, and you might like that feeling of euphoria to get into the mood of being intimate and for sex. So it really depends on you, your body and your partner.


And then in terms of THC and CBD, if you’re using a THC lubricant, it doesn’t get you high. A lot of my patients will use a combination of THC and CBD lubricant to increase the blood flow, decrease inflammation in that area. So it really is up to you. You can try both and see which one you like. One of the things that you have to watch out for before you’re looking at THC and CBD is just the other additive ingredients. You want to make sure those ingredients don’t irritate the area that is surrounding your vaginal canal or your partner. You want to make sure that the added essential oils are not an irritant and doesn’t cause friction, especially if you’re going to use condoms.

Ellen Scanlon (06:18):

So the short answer is you do not have to get high to enjoy sex with cannabis. The longer answer is that not getting very high may be the best thing that you can do for better sex. Mario Guzman, the founder of California Cannabis Company, Shubinski’s, is one of the best known growers in the industry. His advice might surprise you.

Mario Guzman (06:39):

One of the things that’s not good is creating too strong of a strain. That’s the biggest thing I want to avoid. That creates bad experiences. And one of the things, and ladies, I’m sure this has happened, you’re with your boyfriend, your husband, your girlfriend, whatever it is, and you’re like, yeah, I’m going to get high. We’re going to have great sex. And then you hit the joint twice and then you’re just laying there like, ahhh, what did I do? And it ruins the experience.

Ellen Scanlon (07:03):

We suggest micro dosing cannabis, which we talk about more in Episode 59. It provides a little lift without strong feelings of intoxication and can be a great way to experiment and find out what works best for you. And Dr. Chin has a tip just for women.

Dr. June Chin (07:19):

So did you know that your menstrual cycle can actually influence your high? There’s actually a really strong cannabis and estrogen connection. Researchers at Washington State University found that women experienced the most effects of THC when their estrogen has peaked and is beginning to fall. And this usually happens about a day or two right before you ovulate. So when you are at your peak fertility, particularly when you ovulate, your estrogen will interact with cannabis and amplify or increase its effects.

Ellen Scanlon (07:51):

Estrogen levels are at their lowest when you have your period. So this is when your tolerance to THC will be the highest. You may need more THC than usual if you want to feel intoxicating effects.


Number three, how does weed lube work? The cannabinoids in the cannabis plant have different effects, and THC can get you high. While CBD is non-intoxicating. CBD lubes are a staple for women who experience pain with sex. But what is different about THC and CBD topically? Kiana Reeves and Matthew Gerson of the sexual wellness company, Foria have talked to thousands of women and they help us out with this frequently asked question.

Kiana Reeves (08:34):

This is probably not surprising to anyone, but there’s not a lot of studies, double blinds, scientifically validated studies that cannabinoids on the genitals are working either which way. But some of the things that we can extrapolate from the data that we do have is that both are vasodilating. THC is very vasodilating, so it has sometimes a stronger or more immediate noticeable effect, but both of the cannabinoids are vasodilating, so they help the blood flow get into the tissues, which is the primary function and basis of arousal.


And then CBD has other qualities to it. Anti-inflammatory, helps relax muscle tension, and I think that it might not have the same immediate kind of onset impact that the THC does because it’s such a noticeable difference, but there’s other support that it’s offering and working with your body that allows it where you get to feel your own pleasure capacity more. I don’t have specifics. I wish we had studies around what it was doing and how one works better than the other or how they work differently, but at this point, it’s really validated based off of user experience.


When you’re applying the cannabinoids with an arousal oil, you’re applying it locally to the clitoris, the labia, and you’re getting a little bit intra vaginally. The more blood flow you get into the region, the softer those muscles are, the better everything feels to touch, to penetration, to any type of movement. It really allows you to be much more in the experience of pleasure, and if they do experience pain, it’s helping diminish that as well.

Ellen Scanlon (10:11):

I’ve been a guest on a few podcasts lately, and the male hosts have all been very curious about our sex episodes, especially about weed lube and whether it works for men. I asked Matthew.

Mathew Gerson (10:23):

And what’s in it for me? That’s been such a common theme, and I hate to be cheeky, but what’s in it for you if you’re in a heterosexual relationship with a woman is you have a likelihood of a more satisfied, more relaxed, more at ease partner that’s experiencing deeper pleasure and less pain in the context of her intimate pursuits with herself or with you. Those are all really great wins and extraordinarily important in my sense of pleasure. Now, that’s what my partner’s experiencing. What’s in it for me physiologically or physically, not much.

Ellen Scanlon (10:58):

Number four, I’m ready to try cannabis for sex, but where do I start?

Sandra Guynes (11:02):

Try solo play first or masturbation. Feel your little bits and parts and see how does it feel with this strain. Try different things, try different products: topicals, suppositories, sprays, lubes. Make sure that you’re experimenting on your own and less is more. Start low and slow and work from there and see what you really need to feel aroused and awake and the feelings that you’re looking for. Because also, if you consume too much, you could just be sleepy, and that’s not exciting for you or your partner, honestly, because if you’ve never had this strain before and you’ve never tried it before, you don’t really know if that’s going to be the right strain for being aroused or what have you. And what works for somebody else might not work for you.

Ellen Scanlon (11:53):

Sandra is a nurse and a military spouse. So she knows firsthand that conversations with a partner who may not want to consume cannabis can be complicated.

Sandra Guynes (12:03):

So I never feel that it’s okay to not share with someone that you’ve used cannabis if they’re your sexual partner, because you want to let them know where you’re at. So I feel like checking in and checking in with your person and just letting them know why this is helpful for you, how it benefits you, et cetera, and why you consume it. However, if someone’s not comfortable with participating or partaking or being in the smoke or what have you, I think that it’s always beneficial to have your way of consuming privately until you can get that person more comfortable because you don’t want to make someone feel uncomfortable. That’s not going to add anything to the bedroom.


I’ll give a personal experience. In the beginning, I didn’t want my husband to know when I consumed because I didn’t want him to think that consuming was making me more sexual. I wanted him to know that I loved him and that I wanted to be intimate with him, but I also knew that I couldn’t smoke with him or around him because he was in the military. So I would go outside and I’d smoke, and then I’d wash my face and do all the things, and I felt like I was hiding something and that didn’t make me feel good about my consumption. And that in turn didn’t really equate to great sex.


So it’s important to be honest and have those conversations, especially if this is the medicine that you’re using. We have to remember that cannabis is medicine, that we’re using it to treat a myriad of symptoms. And if we have those conversations and we explain it in the way that this is what it helps me with, I don’t think anybody’s really going to judge that.

Ellen Scanlon (13:41):

Number five, what are the best cannabis products and strains for sex? The best product is the one that makes you feel amazing. Consider whether you want extra support with the physical or the mental effects that cannabis can bring.


A weed lube applied topically is non-intoxicating and will bring on greater physical sensation. It also helps if you have any pain with sex. A quick tip, wait 10 to 20 minutes to feel the full effects. Buy the best quality product you can because this is a very sensitive area. We love weed lubes from Quim, which are latex, condom safe, and Foria, which are not. They both have CBD products that ship nationally and THC options that you can purchase depending on where you live.


Cannabis with the right mix of THC and CBD can help you feel more present and connected during sex. The most common ways of consuming are smoking or trying an edible. Remember that edibles take one to two hours to feel, and the effects can last for several hours. Many people swear by the full body feelings that you get from eating weed, but if you’re starting out, Sandra suggests something with less of a commitment.

Sandra Guynes (14:54):

Inhalable are great because it’s a good starting point. You feel it. It’s not going to last very long, maybe an hour or two, maybe more, but you know that this ride is going to come to an end. So if you don’t like it very much, you can move on to something else that might work better on the next time. It’s a shorter length of time to commit to for your testing phase. Again, what works for you may not work for your partner. I’ve experienced that and I’m married, so we use whatever. It’s not a big deal. But if you’re experimenting with someone that you’re still developing that connection and that relationship with, it could be a little awkward.

Ellen Scanlon (15:35):

Try a strain with low THC or maybe just have a little bit less than you normally would as you figure out what makes you feel your best. We have a list for you. Check out for our list of the 10 best strains for sex.


I hope this episode has helped you answer some of your burning questions about sex. And please reach out to or DM us at Do the Pot if you have any comments, questions, or tips to share.


Thank you for listening to How to Do the Pot. For lots more information and past episodes, visit us at Thanks to Madi Fair, our brand manager and our producer, Nick Patri. I’m Ellen Scanlon and we’ll be back soon with more of How to Do the Pot.



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